There's Nothing There: Game
Join Arali and her Amma on their journey from school to their home and help them spot hidden and not-so-hidden plants, animals, insects, birds and everything that you can through this game!
This game is based on 'There's Nothing There' , our bilingual children's storybook. We found our inspiration for this book through conversations and interactions during our collaborative Suttha Muttha project with the Fig Tree Learning Center and the younglings and teachers of Tarabanahalli Govt. School, situated in the rapidly changing landscapes of the peri-urban outskirts of Bangalore city.
Authors: Roshni Ravi, Jane Sahi, Karunya Bhaskar
Design and Illustration: Karunya Bhaskar
Game Design: Kruthi Raj
Supported by: The Bangalore Sustainability Forum
In Collaboration with: The Fig Tree Learning Center
Translation Support (Kannada): Anu Mothi, Maadhyama Aneka Pvt. Ltd
Translation Support (Hindi): Nidhi Pal
Here are the steps to download and play:
1. Download the folder in your computer by clicking on the button below: ​​​
2. Once downloaded, unzip the folder, open the folder: click on the file named Book_Game_Prototype.exe
3. This file will open the game.